Thursday, January 11, 2024

Revelations Of The Day

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.  John 14:26

This morning I saw for the first time a pickup priced over $100,000. Yes, a 1-ton pickup that requires a ton of cash. Actually a little over 220 pounds of $1 bills according to that infernal information resource we can hardly live without these days. But my revelations prior to 0600 were not done yet! An article on the Blue Letter Bible home page told of a translation that:

"required a strict adherence to the Textus Receptus of Hahn's Greek Testament."

Without further research, what does that even mean? Is it good or bad, happy or sad? Yes, it was revealed that I do not know my Textus Receptus from my Titus Andronicus. What a dreadful ignorance! I could go down, down, the Internet information rabbit hole to find out, but I think not. 

With all that being said, how did the disciples write all they did about Jesus years after He had ascended from the mountain? Without the Internet or even a decent library, how did so much survive in their memory? John wrote to tell us how in our verse for today, one often overshadowed by the next verse in that chapter. This verse also gives us a vital bit of knowledge on how to sort out the eternally relevant from the enormous amount of information available to us in this age: go to the One who can bring all Jesus said to our remembrance too, God's Holy Spirit! 

Go in prayer, my friends!


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