Thursday, January 04, 2024

No Night's Rest For Him?

When Jesus had spoken these words, He went out with His disciples over the Brook Kidron, where there was a garden, which He and His disciples entered. John 18:1

The first question to arise from this verse is: what words? We didn't get the words! That is of course the beauty of studying the Bible on your own. You get to go back and read those words in chapter 17. However, here in our verse for today we get one of those moments that drive the constant-toil bosses a little crazy. A break? They took a break? What happened to all that harvest is ripe stuff? Jesus we know from the scriptures worked more at prayer than anyone else. The weary disciples will fall asleep as Jesus prays, but our Lord kept at it until the soldiers came to take Him. The brook and the garden sound like the start of a peaceful rest, but it was not to be for Jesus that night. We advise one another to get a good night's rest before a difficult task, probably because our Lord didn't get one there in that garden by the brook.

Cherish your night of rest, each is given by God as a gift to you,


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