Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Watching To The Miss

Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.  Mark 13:33

Jesus told us to watch and pray. It is a divine command from our Lord Jesus. There was a thing going on in town this past year which I watched with some steadfast effort. There was a delay, and then on the day I was watching for, I took a different route to work, then came home late and finally the weekend arrived. On Monday, back on the usual route, I saw that I had missed the event entirely. So much for my skills and effort as a watchman. 

When we do not know the hour and day, as no one knows that for our Lord's return, it is  therefore nearly impossible for us to make the appointment. Yet, we have been commanded to watch. Well, maybe the next part will help, pray. As we cannot know the time and date, and will likely be surprised, we might as well do what we can do in Christ our Lord until that great day, and pray! However, if this missing of the day and hour is a foregone conclusion, what good will the second part do? Ah, but we know that part works so well! Not by our effort or talent does prayer work, but by the faithfulness and love of our Lord Jesus. We may falter much in prayer and watchfulness, but He will be there for the great return and will gather us to Himself. 

As with every day, In Christ Alone!


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