Wednesday, September 06, 2023

The Easy One, Right?

Blessed are the merciful,
​​For they shall obtain mercy.
  -- Matthew 5:7

Mercy, it appears the obvious child among the Beatitudes. Then a circumstance arises that causes one to question which is the path of mercy. Is it mercy to put the suffering one to death or is it murder? And does it make a difference whether it occurs on the battlefield or in the hospital? What about the little mercies? A debt of a few hundred dollars too much to forgive for you, or is only ten dollars enough to bring on the firm response? Jesus didn't set a dollar limit here for us, and actually said to lend to those who can't pay us back (Luke 6:34-36). What if the poor dumb deadbeat spends money like it grows on trees and keeps coming back for more?!! We tend to think the mercy one is easy and obvious, and then comes the situations and circumstances where it may not seem so easy to choose the merciful way. However, we know who to ask, right?

Seek the answer in prayer!


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