Monday, September 18, 2023

The Difficulty of the Simple Answer

But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. Matthew 5:37

We have seen some impossible things in the great sermon, but what about something more relatable? It likely will not take each of us long to recall an incident where we should have stopped our talking with a yes or a no, because all of the words spoken from that point on only dug a deeper hole in which to bury ourselves. We then recall the words of Jesus and feel a strong inclination to obey them next time. Of course in this section of the scripture, Jesus forbade the uttering of oaths. You know them by experience most likely, the things where we call God, or Heaven, or Earth to witness us promising that our will be done. As Jesus will teach soon in the great sermon that we should pray that God's will be done, it may be a problem if we go about swearing by God that each of our wills be done. Yes and no, so easy most of the time, but so difficult for us to just stop there and not add a bunch of words that will get us in trouble!

Let God's will be done! Amen.


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