Monday, September 25, 2017

Let Us Kneel

Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. Psalm 95:6

The 95th psalm is a call to worship that is worship. I love the word of the Lord!

Since kneeling is sure to be a hotly debated and much discussed topic this morning, I thought that I would do a search for it in the Word of God. It is not surprising then that to kneel before the Lord is not a gesture of protest or rebellion, but one of submission and worship. The psalm calls for joy and thanksgiving and tells us to avoid that rebellion against the Lord that came so easily to the people of Israel.

So, the question that comes to mind is: What is your kneeling? Is it a sign of submission to God, or is it calling attention to yourself? When the Pharisees prayed on the street corners, Jesus said that they had their reward; a good indication that they were praying there to draw attention to themselves. What is your cause? Is it righteous or merely sensational? Are you a peacemaker or a conflict enabler?

One thing that has come of this is that we are suddenly paying much more attention to what people are doing during our national anthem. We might also turn to look at what is going on in us during prayer. Are we submitting to the Lord or just firing a list of I-wants up toward Him? What respect should we give to the One who died that we might live? And in honoring Him, what respect is due our nation and those who served that we might enjoy a Sunday of peace? The national stage is always a tempting place to make a personal statement, but is this one the right one? Well might the psalmist say this morning:

Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.

Amen, let us bow down and kneel before Him!


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