Thursday, September 07, 2017

It's All Him

​For unto us a Child is born,
​​Unto us a Son is given;
​​And the government will be upon His shoulder.
​​And His name will be called
​​Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
​​Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Is it Wonderful and Counselor, or is it Wonderful Counselor? I find that either works, for it is all Him! The original text may have not included punctuation the way we know it, but it gets its message across just the same. I can call His name wonderful, and I can call Him counselor. I am also privileged to call my Lord, Wonderful Counselor. It's all Him!

I could take up an argument with a brother in Christ over whether there should be a comma between those two big titles for our Lord Jesus. Or, he and I could be the first to say, "Brother, our argument is silly; it's all Him!"

I'm borrowing a bit from my Bible study lesson for next week, but I just couldn't resist. For whether we call Him Wonderful today or wait for the next church service or Bible study, it's all Him. We might call Him Counselor today because our need for His counsel is great, or we may use Mighty God today and save His other titles for next week, but it's all Him. Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace, it is all our Lord Jesus; it's all Him!

Son of God, Messiah, the Christ, it's all Him! Rejoice in Him this day,


P.S. Our prayers are with those facing the peril and damage of hurricanes and wildfires on this day.

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