Friday, June 23, 2017

Meanwhile, Somewhere Else...

“For thus says the LORD God of Israel: ‘The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the LORD sends rain on the earth.' ” 1 Kings 17:14

Rain is the story this morning, as in we've had some! June has been quite dry in our little town, both the big and little storms have missed us all month long until last night. Meanwhile, somewhere else there is someone waking up to an empty flour bin and a dry oil jar.

This is a verse from the story of Elijah and the widow. We might well imagine that the first day the rain came, she would have that reaction of, "Aaugh! What will we do now?" The promise of the Lord had been fulfilled and they ate from some miraculous storage containers for a while. Then the rain came. Rejoicing in a blessing from the Lord, we don't always pause to think that someone else may not see the event as a blessing. But, while the fulfillment ends one promise of God, there is another for all of us.

One day the rain will come for us too. Whether it be our passing, the Rapture of God's church, or the end of this age, the fulfillment of many promises will usher in the time of other good things the Lord has in store for us. Always, it seems, the Lord has better ready for us when His good promise ends with the coming of the rain. The widow may have asked, "What now, Lord?" but I'm sure the Lord already had His next blessing prepared. Meanwhile, far away in time and distance, we await the fulfillment of this time, and the coming of our Lord Jesus!

God's blessings to you!

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