Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Does The Lord Get Me?

Great is our Lord, and mighty in power;
His understanding is infinite. Psalm 147:5

Of course it is nothing but an arrogance to think the Lord who has infinite understanding would fail to understand even one such as me. Everything I have faced in this life by way of temptation He has met and overcome. The toys of this age may be different, but the lusts of the flesh remain the same. Job may have lamented that God does not know what it is like to be down here, but we know from the Gospels that He came down and removed that excuse from us. Jesus the Christ came as a baby and endured the same things we have. There just does not seem to be any room to accuse God of any ignorance for our part. Yes, the Lord gets me very well.

Great is the knowledge of our Lord! Not only does He get me, but He also knows very well all of those who want to kill and destroy us. In fact He told us the time of hatred would come because the world first hated Him. The Lord knows well our need for the Redeemer, but He also knows that many will reject the gift of salvation. Actually, if I try to list here this morning all that the Lord knows, which I can only know from the revelation of His word, we will be here into the next eternity. (Which is of course a silly thing to say, as there can hardly be another eternity any more than there can be a further infinity.) The Lord knows all!

We can be grateful today that our Lord knows our deepest need, and He has already made provision to meet that need: His name is Jesus.


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