Friday, June 02, 2017

Inside Your Home

For the LORD will pass through the land to strike down the Egyptians. But when he sees the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe, the LORD will pass over your home. He will not permit his death angel to enter your house and strike you down. Exodus 12:23 NLT

A little reboot for one of those 'minor' software updates and 'poof' no Internet. Fortunately, a simple reboot of the modem brought the connection back to life. We are a bit gun shy over our Internet connection in these parts; a day when it does not go down has become a cherished luxury.

Ah, that sound, yes, it is the sound of summer, the sprinkler making its little impact noise as it waters the lawn. I think that I will bring it inside the house to hear it better. Hmm, yeah, unless I want to change my decor to a rubber and plastic theme, and provide for sufficient drainage, that probably will not work. Shutting off all electricity would probably be a good idea in that case as well. Some things just don't work very well inside a home.

The Israelites didn't want a death angel inside their homes. The Egyptians of that time would testify that this is wise as their firstborn children were struck down and killed. The thing we cannot miss is what kept the death angel out: the blood of the lamb. What brought the blood of the lamb to the Israelite door frames? Obedience.

The bloody signs around the door seem almost like a pagan ritual. Yet, who are we to question the Lord's command? So often I find a desire in me to regulate the Lord. If He would just work in the ways I expect, we could all be happier. No, no, no, down with my way; we want the Lord to be the Lord. Then, we can stand back and enjoy the awesome wonder of His work and word, especially when He does not fret over meeting some silly expectations from the likes of me.

Enjoy the start of summer. Live in Christ!

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