Friday, May 26, 2017

Who Is Watching Me?

In my distress I called upon the LORD,
​​And cried out to my God;
​​He heard my voice from His temple,
​​And my cry came before Him, even to His ears. Psalm 18:6

Folks coming out here to the high plains from the east might just feel a bit exposed. Mostly its their guilty conscience, we think, but it might have something to do with the lack of trees also. Inside even the little towns there seems to be plenty of trees, but this is a recent illusion. Trees just don't grow very well out here without some protection from what were until about the 1920's or so normal conditions for the area. It doesn't take but a few steps though in our little town to see the plains more like what they were - relatively empty from horizon to horizon, at least by eastern standards.

So, with all this exposure, who is watching me? We don't know who all may be watching us. Who are these principalities and powers of the present darkness that Paul told us to armor ourselves against? How far can they see? Where do they hang out? What do they have against me? Of course we may not know all about the dark powers, but we do have some knowledge that David had: The Almighty hears us!

Be warned! you powers of this present darkness, my distress calls out to the Lord of hosts, my cry is heard on Heaven's throne. There may be nothing about me for the powers to fear, but the Lord our shepherd is a different matter. Little distressed sheep make a noise straight to the ears of the Almighty One!

And knowing our weakness through the illumination of His dear Holy Spirit, we're not afraid to call out.


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