Friday, May 05, 2017

Longing For A Plentiful Rain

You, O God, sent a plentiful rain,
Whereby You confirmed Your inheritance,
When it was weary. Psalm 68:9

This year at the place of my day job we had a dry winter; we long for a plentiful rain. Weariness hardly begins to describe the state of accounts. The land appears dry and broken as after a long drought. How does one hold on when this sort of thing happens?

We tend to be like Job's friends. We analyze and introspect, ponder the state of our ways, and in the halfness of time, we pass judgment on ourselves and call upon the self to repent of some hidden sin. I say the halfness of time because like Job's friends we declare this is that before God is finished with the story. In the fullness of time, God restored all to Job, twice over. Somewhere in that time well before the fullness, we despair and falter in our faith.

Doubts will be flung at us, and we will welcome some of those doubts in for a meal and perhaps an overnight stay. How else could we wake up at 3 a.m. full of anxiety and dread? The Lord desires our company and promises to come in and dine with us if we will only open the door. Too often though, we stand at the back door and let in the doubts while our Lord, as polite company will do, stands patiently at the front door. We know the answer is to bar the back door and go open the other to our Lord Jesus, but perversely we stand with the back door open letting in those things which will ruin our night's sleep.

Time to say, "Come in, Lord Jesus!"

The good news from this is that no matter how many stray and slinking doubts we have let in before His arrival, our Lord is perfect at chasing the doubts out of the dark corners and stompin' em!

Have a great Friday in Christ!

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