Thursday, May 11, 2017

Pure Words

The words of the LORD are pure words,
​​Like silver tried in a furnace of earth,
​​Purified seven times. Psalm 12:6

Is it not great that the Lord loves us so much that only pure words come forth from Him? Perhaps that is the reason the gospels are not each 4,000 pages long. Pure words do not require further explanation to avoid dozens of different interpretations. Although, it may be that we could not handle any more of the pure words of Jesus than what He gave us. What are the pure words of our Lord?

Let us say that you like eggs. You recall from your childhood two eggs cooked to as near perfection as mom could get them, but you haven't been served two eggs like that since. You order two eggs and your spouse cooks up some waffles with butter and syrup. "There's two eggs in there," he or she says. You are away from home for whatever reason and try a restaurant. You order two eggs and wait for that moment of dimly recalled bliss. The waiter sets before you a skillet with scrambled eggs cooked with onions, hash browns, cheese, and bacon. It is delicious, but it isn't quite the two eggs you asked for. "There's two eggs in there," the cook says. And so it goes at home and from place to place as you travel. All you want is the purity of two eggs cooked in that special way, but all you can get is two eggs mixed up with something else.

The story takes much on assumption, such as your mysterious inability to go into the kitchen and cook 'em yourself, but that is what we face in this world. The pure word of the Lord we long for comes to us in translations in a language that has become diluted with many impure words. Think of the many uses and abuses of the word 'love' for example in this present darkness. And then think of how often love is an important part of the Word of the Lord. How are we to understand the purity of His word when ours is so messed up? Rest in the assurance that the Spirit of God will make His pure Word understood in us!

Want eggs for breakfast yet? Have a day in our great Lord!


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