Monday, May 11, 2015

Not On My Road Today

One of the colder weekends in May that I can remember. I have my yellow hat on this morning, the furnace is going, and it feels much like that winter thing we just put in the past (at least we thought it was in the past). In our favor today, the clouds have blown away and the rain/snow have stopped. Tomorrow, the temp is supposed to be right back up to springtime levels. Tomorrow, though, is not on my road for today. Flood warnings are up again for us, but not until Thursday now, and Thursday is not on my road for today.

I enjoy the phrase 'foreseeable future' when it comes up in books and such. What is that and what does it mean for me? Nothing, of course! My anxious worries of the night have little or nothing to do with the road I must walk today. What I think I can foresee is likely a lie from the tempter's minions. The great apostle told us that we see as in a poor looking glass. I have expectations for the next few minutes, but so many things can change in that much time that I have no guarantees in my foreseeing. Trust and faith in God is where my road lies today.

Whatever may come or not come, Jesus walks with us today.


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