Friday, May 22, 2015

Life Like a Roller Coaster

Memorial Day weekend is upon us this evening. I hope that you have plans of some sort for enjoying a 3-day (or longer!) break from work. Someone out there may even have the privilege of riding a roller coaster this weekend. Okay, so maybe we are of an age where the excitement of a roller coaster is just a bit much to be called a privilege. Nevertheless, think back to that last time you rode the rails, so to speak, and recall what happened at the end. Yes, the coaster came back into the station. Our life is much like that. One life may be more like the so-called mother of all roller coasters with loops, spins, seriously high peaks and very low valleys, while another life may seem tame by comparison. Yet both coasters eventually come back into the station. One ride may be longer and another short, but both arrive back at the designed end of the line.

We have this assurance: God designed the life we are given to arrive back at the station too. We cannot see the end of the line on this roller-coaster ride, but we know that God has it perfectly in His control. There may yet be some exhilarating hills and breath-taking plunges, but we will arrive back safely with God at the place He has gone to prepare for us. What is interesting is that however tightly we hold on, the safety of the ride cannot depend upon human strength.

Without the safety already built in to the ride, today's machines would fling the strongest human right out into a serious fall. In the same way, God has designed each life to be dependent upon His strength and not our own. The exciting and exhilarating part is that none of us knows exactly where our ride ends. Yikes, trust in God!

Have a great weekend with Christ Jesus.


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