Friday, May 01, 2015

Are Your Maydays Answered?

Happy May Day! The title question probably has an obvious answer for all of us. With funerals still happening and hospitals doing a brisk business, we must say that, no, not every mayday is answered with the answer we expect. If we compare God's plan to an ocean, then we are like the little seals swimming over the surface. We can dive down a bit, but as for exploring the gigantic depths of God's plan we are hopelessly thin on understanding. God's word explains it all to us; but even with that primer, we are lost in the great depths of His plan for the ages.

If we ask God about the Revelation, I think that He would tell us it means exactly what He said. Yet, as large as that vision of John is to us, there are many more prophetic visions of the end times in the Bible. We cannot understand most of them and still we ask that our prayers, those maydays mentioned earlier, be answered in the way we expect. Trust, a tough word to bear at times, tells us that somewhere in God's plan sits the answer we are given.

Some of us suffer more, and others less. Some live a long life, and others a brief time that passes quickly. Some are rich and others destitute, and during a life they may switch places more than once. Some live through times of war, while others live out their lives in peacetime. All are part of God's great plan for this Creation. Yet, when the maydays go up, we often expect God to answer only with the answer we expect from Him. One reading of the gospels should convince us that Jesus didn't come to do what everyone expected. As our Lord said, "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (Matt 6:10)

So, maybe a mayday wasn't answered as we expected. Dear Lord, Your will be done!


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