Wednesday, May 06, 2015

If All My Works Pointed To Me

Good morning on this day called the sixth of May! Wow, that is so lame. If all my works pointed to me, that would indeed be the bottom of the lameness curve. If all my works pointed to me, I would have lived a life the world might call well lived. However, Jesus once said, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Matt 16:26) Indeed, if at the end of my life all of my works do but point to me, then I will have failed and fallen. My life would but end where so many have stopped, under a rock and forgotten. A clever epitaph on a grey stone might be my only hope for posterity, if, all of my works point only to me.

Praise God, we have a greater hope than that depressing outcome. We live in Christ and all of our works do not point just to the self. If we are forgotten in this world after this life ends, Jesus will never forget us. We may receive no recognition for our works here, but in the great and glorious hereafter we will live with our Lord Jesus in His glory. Our goal and purpose in this life becomes to point our work to our Lord and Savior. Our hope rests in Christ, our reward to be with Him eternally.

If all my works did but point to me, what a wasted life this would be. The glory of God in the works of His Son is the way for you and me!


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