Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Like a Death in the Family

Phoo, what a dream! I really thought that stuff behind me for good. I read somewhere that losing a long-held job was for men like suffering a death in the family. As many women have wished for and achieved equality with men in the workplace, one must assume the same now holds true for them as well. As Christians though, do we not get a pass on at least some of the tragedy of the world? I think we already know the answer to that one. As our Lord suffered at the hands of the world so will His followers. Like Job, we may seem to lose all in the calamities of the world. We may be stripped down to that one remaining thing - God's unfailing love.

Job had it as he sat in the ashes with his friends turned on him. Jesus had it on the cross where those who yet loved Him could do nothing to help. Paul had it even as he drug Christ-ones from their homes in chains. And we have God's unfailing love on us, with us, in us, and all around us even in what we suffer today and what we suffered yesterday. That same apostle who once persecuted the church with all his time and ability became convinced that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Nothing: that is a big word when we consider all the methods the world can use to hurt us emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

The suffering from the past may indeed attack us late one night when we think it conquered for good and ever. The prince of this world does like to dredge up some of that suffering from our past and fling it on us like a foul muck as we rest in the night. What we must do then is to remember the love of God in Jesus Christ. Nothing can separate us from God's love.

Amen, come Lord Jesus!


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