Saturday, December 27, 2014

Worst? Hardly That!

Bright and cold, the worst combination of conditions came last night when it snowed all day then cleared off late at night. So, we have sun shining over the cold, cold ground. What about that is 'worst'? Many a combination of circumstances and weather can be much worse than what we have now. Indeed things are bad in many ways in the world right now with much suffering and grief. However, we also know that it could be much worse. We can see forces moving in the world as the end times seem right at the door. We can also look out and see much joy, peace, and kindness in the world. True, we may have to look more diligently and without the help of much of our usual media outlets, who, it seems, want to bring us all into a state of constant despair.

Ha, ha, it's warmer outside, technically, but it surely doesn't feel balmy or spring-like. I cleared the truck of snow and looked at the dazzling light for a bit. Of course to let the light of Jesus dazzle our eyes is probably the answer to the darkness of the world. Isaiah said, "​The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined." (9:2) Certainly one glance at the news gives us a view of the land of the shadow of death. Why not look at the light for a while?

Have a great Christmas weekend!

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