Monday, December 29, 2014

Cat Food & Coffee

Ah, I'm ready to start all that 'new year' stuff, but we are not quite there yet. This year must be finished properly. Each morning, I get up and do two things at about the same time. Feed the cats and put on the coffee. Both of these small tasks take several steps. The skipping of either could cause rebellion in the house. The cats won't do without their coffee, and I cannot stand to start the day without my cat food, or something like that. It is funny to see the cats standing there expecting a caffeine rush only to find out that I make decaf coffee. Little tasks and small responsibilities take up much of our day. Writing up a humorous twist to the chores may help for a bit, but the chores remain. Resist the doing of the dishes and the sink fills up and the kitchen begins to take on an unsavory aroma. Little jobs and little chores seem to be the filling in the barrel of a day.

A year is much the same way, we have all these little things that God has set before us. A person may look to that grand gesture, the big project, or the magnum opus to crown the year. Instead we seem to have this myriad of little tasks to finish the year properly. When Jesus spoke His final words on the cross, "It is finished", did He lay down His life with a great magnum opus of a task? Well, yes, yes He did - and we are greatly rejoicing even today that He paid the penalty for our sin - but He also saw to the things that seemed much smaller. Our Lord stopped on the way to speak to the women of Jerusalem. From the cross, Jesus took the time to see to Mary, His mother, and assign John His place as her son. Jesus made sure all was done properly even to the refusing of the sour wine and gall. He spoke to His Father of forgiveness for those crucifying Him. Every smaller task was fulfilled perfectly before Our Dear Lord gave up His spirit.

On that grand day, whatever my grand day is, I expect that it will begin with cat food and coffee. Small but important tasks to begin the day. Perhaps there are no more grand days left in this life, in which case I will finish with the little tasks. The maintainers of the Lord's kingdom are needed too!

Have a great and wonderful finish to this year in Christ!


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