Thursday, December 18, 2014

I'll Take Next Thursday Off Work

The title is one of those famous lines I heard in conversation. Next Thursday is of course Christmas. Now, if we are to be called Christian, we had better celebrate the holiday of our Lord's name, right? Ah, the judgmental, rule-loving, pharisee-like part of me wants to come out. Let's just make Christmas a duty. Let's take the fun out of living in a relationship with Christ. Maybe, just maybe, that isn't a part of me anymore. Maybe someone else wants me to believe that my heart didn't grow three sizes that day I came to believe in Christ.

Some of our brothers and sisters in Christ will have to work on Christmas Day. Jesus will not stop loving them on that day or any other day they may have to work. Those who belong to Jesus and love their work may work right up to Christmas Eve and then take only the next day off work. Jesus will not stop loving those brothers and sisters either. I spent one Christmas in Izmir, Turkey; Jesus didn't stop loving me way over there. One brother may spend Christmas this year in Barbados, a sister in Christ may have no one to spend Christmas with at home. Jesus loves them both and will gladly celebrate His birth with each one of us who call Him Lord in whatever circumstance we find ourselves on Christmas Day. Religion and rule keeping didn't save Israel, and they won't work to save us. Someone rightly said, "Jesus Saves", and that is why and how we live in Christ.

Have a Merry Christmas, working or taking the day off, in Christ!


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