Saturday, December 20, 2014

No Going Back

How often have you wanted Jesus to put things back the way they were? In the Christmas season it may mean back to those childhood Christmas celebrations. Much of the year it may mean before something changed greatly in life. In either case, that is not a prayer that God answers. We don't get to go back. In place of that, we are reminded of that other part of the Christmas - the new. Each Christmas brings something new in life. Jesus wants us to remember that He came as something new on that first Christmas, but there is more.

Paul told us in his letters that we are new creations in Christ. He went on to tell us of new imperishable and incorruptible bodies. Jesus showed John the New Jerusalem coming down from Heaven, and then told us, "Behold, I make all things new!" We live for the coming of the new in us and all around us. Jesus would have us to not go back to what we may think of as a better time, but to trust Him to take us to a better time that is to come. Christmas is a time that may bring hurt over what we have lost. However, the promise of Christ is in something new. The greatest gift was the Son of God who came to save the world, and He was something new.

Have a great and wonderful Christmas in our great and wonderful Christ!


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