Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Praise and Glory and Honor

On that first arrival of the Christ child, it seems that the hosts of heaven could not contain themselves. What? Are you nuts? Wait, I'm writing this, should I ask "Am I nuts?" How confusing! Think of how often humans were allowed to see the angels of heaven in the Old Testament. Not that often, and there was a drought of even human prophets walking the land for 400 years or so before the birth of Christ. If we don't know from the multitude of prophecies and other events, we must know it from the multitude of the heavenly host: this event was something special in history. We will meet the heavenly host once more singing praise and glory and honor to Jesus in the Revelation. Greatly do we look forward to that!

The birth of Christ brought out the hosts of heaven to sing God's praises. Was it at God's command, or could they not contain themselves for the joy of praising God's great work? I don't know. What we do know is that the shepherds in the field saw a Christmas spectacular special the likes of which we cannot witness just yet. One day, all who believe will gather with the hosts of heaven to sing the praise and glory and honor of God our Father. John saw a great multitude that no one could number in his vision of the Revelation of Christ. That gives us a great hope for seeing all whom we love here, there with us praising and glorifying God - forever, forever, and ever as the Lord said.

Have a great and wonderful Christmas in Christ!

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