Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas, Lord!

Yes, it is time to give the Lord our God a hearty "Merry Christmas, Lord!" on His day, or perhaps a "Happy Birthday!" would be more appropriate. Tomorrow, on Christmas Day, we celebrate the birth of Christ, so a birthday greeting does seem to fit the bill. However, this birth was something special. We rightly celebrate Christmas separately from those birthdays close to Christmas. When John the Baptist saw Jesus, he let everyone there know, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29) This child had a special birth announcement given to Mary by Gabriel, to Joseph in a dream, to the shepherds abiding in the field, and to some wise men living far away. Yes, Merry Christmas, Lord! We celebrate your birth in this season!

This birth came with a history of prophecy. For hundreds of years a people looked for the coming Messiah. The Savior arrived; stories of miracles spread far and wide. The blind healed, the lame made well, demons routed, and most of all, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Some looked for a king who would live according to their image of how a king should act. Jesus lived according to the will of His Father in Heaven. On Christmas, we celebrate so much given to us in the person of one small child.

May the love of the Christ live in you on this Christmas Eve,


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