Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas? Not Yet!

Ah, Friday morning! The day when we get up with a little hope in the heart for the weekend. We also get up this Friday with a little hope for Christmas, but it isn't here yet with not quite two weeks to go. Constantly living in the future is depressing because the good things of the future will always be, well, out in the future. That is not to say that a little hopeful anticipation of the things to come is all bad. God gave us many wonderful prophecies of the future He has in store for us, including the second coming of His Son, called Wonderful in Isaiah. When we came to believe, we gained access to this wonderful future. Yes, it is indeed good for us to think on it once in a while.

For the child anticipating the time of gift giving - that is what they all look forward to is it not? - the day it seems can never arrive soon enough. Yes, it was the gift getting for me too. The gift receiving line was the one I wanted to be in, and I think there is still some of that in me somewhere as an adult. The gift giving line was tougher as a child what with my limited resources and all. Of course, parents find out what limited resources really mean when it comes to gift giving for a group of children. Adults find out too, but not so much as parents I think. So, what about the One with unlimited resources; is He withholding for some divine reason we cannot fathom?

First, why do we tend to think that God is withholding any good thing from us? Is it not more likely that we are not ready? The good things God has promised will come in God's perfect time. While we tend to listen to those whispers of unfair or meanness that the enemy throws our way, God is preparing a place for us. Before Job had been restored twice over to the life he enjoyed, he said, "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord!" (1:21b) We too must wait patiently for the wonderful promises God has given. In the due time, we will be ready to receive the gifts God has for us. In the meantime, we can be thankful for those great gifts God has already given.

Have a merry Christmas in Christ Jesus!

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