Tuesday, July 08, 2014

This Life and Unwise Choices

Happy Tuesday morning to you! I got a lesson in this life this morning when I found the partial carcasses of two baby bunnies in my garage. Oddly, I was out there to feed the cat that had already fed herself. Saturday, while mowing the buffalo grass in the south 40, I saw four baby bunnies come out of the cat patch. Ah, no more mowing near there, I didn't want to frighten them away from their shelter. Perhaps it would have been better for them if I had. I suppose there are now 2 baby bunnies in the cat patch, if they even remain alive. Of course there is a reason I call that tall grass the cat patch, the predator likes to sit out there in the summer hiding among the tall grass. Seems kind of unwise of the mother bunny to have her litter right there. But, predation of the young and helpless sums up this life rather well.

Predators do not pass up an easy meal in this world. Babies of all kinds must be defended or hidden to survive. Only humans can choose not to disturb the baby bunnies. The predator, no matter how well fed, must act according to her nature. In fact, the consumption of two little bunnies in no way reduced her noise at feeding time the past two mornings. This brings up the rebirth in Christ of those in this world. We too must be defended by a higher power or the world and its powers will consume us. We must be hidden in the rock of our salvation or face the fall. Just reborn Christians are much like baby bunnies turned loose in this world. Sadly, until a fall or two comes along, we often feel like we were reborn as Super Christ-one, impervious to sin or temptation, able to leap doctrinal difficulties with ease, and immune to the stinging arrows of the enemy. After a few unwise choices and the terrors of this life, we begin to learn that sanctification is a long road on which we need the strong defense of our Lord and Savior.

Have faith, Jesus is coming!

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