Monday, July 21, 2014

My Next Test May Be...

Good Monday morning! By this time in the Christian life, I have endured tests of boredom, anxiety, depression, health scares, (lack of) wealth scares, doctrinal debates within myself, losing brothers and sisters in Christ to parting, and many others. You no doubt can boast of a similar resume, though the line items may be different. What might that next test be? Well, it may be opposite to all those you or I have experienced up to now. Those with many children (a severe testing if ever there was one) may next experience that dreaded Empty Nest Syndrome. Those who have enjoyed the fruits of poverty may next be inundated with the temptation of Mammon. Those who have spent their lifetimes up to now in one small town may next be sent out into the wide world. We don't know what comes next in this world. God is charge of our testing and training, and He doesn't exactly publish a What's Next manual for each person.

I mean, we know the big picture from Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah, and many other prophets in the Bible, but for each individual Christian soldier, we don't get the exact training schedule for the next decade. In fact, all of us may be with Jesus within the next decade. One day, we may wake up to our graduation from training and fighting to a general call for all God's chosen ones to come home. It's a glorious possibility for even such a day as today! However, there is this temptation to say what is more likely right now and it must be fought off, for I really have no idea which is more likely for today. God's training schedule for me and you is His alone. If one of us is done today and going home, praise God! If all are to stay here and continue the discipleship, then praise God too! If all of us are to go home this day and be with Jesus in Paradise, then praise God forever!

Have a wonderful Monday in Christ Jesus!

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