Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sometimes We Jump Around a Little

Good Saturday morning! If I am wrong to one side, I sometimes jump far to the other side in an attempt to correct myself. In directing my path, God has at times or on certain issues had me jump back and forth a bit until I get back into the narrow way. It is not that I desire to waver or waffle on some decisions, but that in my desire to please God I may jump too far. God says come back, meet Me halfway, but in my overzealous way I jump all the way over the midpoint.

Think of it like the prodigal son coming back, but instead of going directly to his father's house, he tries to impress the father by trudging 50 miles past the house first. Of course the father isn't impressed by all that wasted effort. He wants his son at the house to receive the father's joy and forgiveness. The father doesn't run out to grab the cheapest duck at the poulterer's shop, he slaughters the fatted calf. Meeting God at His house is to find joy. Walking an extra 100 miles in an effort to somehow make up for past mistakes is waste a lot of time and strength.

Walking the narrow way is difficult enough with the enemies we have in this world. Jumping back and forth over the walls of the narrow way only makes the journey that much more arduous. The most difficult time to be still and wait on the Lord may be when the attack of the enemy is at its peak. The soldier on the front line may not understand the orders from the Commander of Heaven's army, but to disobey is to bring far more trouble than we like to bear.

In a former job, we're going way back now, I computed firing data for a Marine artillery battery. The guns fired from miles behind the front lines and the shells even at a goodly velocity took several seconds to arrive on target. Now, suppose on the front lines a boot lieutenant does not quite understand the concept of indirect fire. He seeks glory above the safety of his men, and places valor above discretion. Ignoring the order to 'stand', he hears the artillery fire over the tactical radio and gives the order to charge. With the infantry engaged at close range, it is quite possible for our inexperienced lieutenant to lead his men right into the destruction meant for the enemy during those precious few seconds when he was ordered to hold position.

We face the same danger in our fight as a soldier of Christ. God may order one, a group, or all of His soldiers to stand. God may not explain why, or give us a time limit. By faith, we know that the order is for our good. Though the dogs and demons of the world may snarl and snap at us, God is acting and we need to obey when our Lord gives the order to stand.

Trust Him,

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