Saturday, April 06, 2013

How 'bout an Outpouring of Joy

Good Saturday! What do we have to celebrate today? We can celebrate God's bounty if we have our needs supplied. Hmm, yes, but what if we don't think our needs are met today? Perhaps God's answer is a test of our faith and we must wait just a bit. On the other hand, maybe that item or condition we think is a need is only a want. We may in time celebrate God taking a want from us that it turns out we didn't need. All this so far sounds a bit material in scope, a whole lot of earth -bound thinking for a heaven-bound people. What if we just celebrate the joy of knowing Jesus a little more each day?

Each morning, God's mercies are poured out anew on us. We learn a bit more of God's steadfast love as we journey through each day. Though we cannot see it, each day Jesus puts on His tool belt and works on our dwelling place in heaven. We can know this because Jesus promised that He was going to prepare a place for us. You know how in this world we never seem to have enough time to do a house just right. Well, the reason we are not in Heaven with Jesus yet is that, I believe, He is preparing those places so they are just right for our arrival. Can you imagine the construction schedule for today? Maybe your name is on the list to arrive in the next few years, better get ready!

There is a joy in building something new, and I enjoy thinking that Jesus is getting full joy out of building those homes for us. But, something is missing first, we celebrate the simple and everlasting joy of... Savior! Jesus came to this world to save us. Long before you and I were born on this planet, Jesus did the work and made the sacrifice to appease God's justice. Eternal life began when we believed in Christ. What good news. What great joy! An empty eternal home does no one any good, we must realize the joy of salvation to start the day. Look at the cross. Who loves me so much to endure that for me? Great joy and wonder abounds, Jesus does! Rejoice in the day as we greet Him with the great joy of our salvation!


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