Monday, April 15, 2013

I Was Glad To Meet With Them

Good Monday morning as you prepare for another week in this world. Hey, maybe you won't be here the whole week. Jesus may arrive to take us home this very week! Often we think that Monday morning, just before the work week begins, would be a good time for the Rapture. We get the entire weekend, and then, just before the drudgery and toil, escape! However, as one of the main purposes of the rapture of the church is to shock the undecided into accepting Christ and kick off the Tribulation period, we may want to thank God that another day has arrived and those who do not yet believe still have time to decide.

One thing we have time to do is to meet with those we love. Yesterday, I was glad to meet with a brother and sister in Christ for a goodly part of the afternoon. As you may know, or if you don't yet realize, I have a lot of trouble meeting with more than a few people at a time. I was, as far back as my memory goes, a bit timid or shy around people, but something about the accident and the aftereffects has made me a little socially withdrawn, to put it in massive understatement. Oops, now I've gone and written too much about me. I want to run away from writing.

What is the good news in this? Jesus can work with whatever you or I bring to the table. Are you unflinchingly sociable, perhaps so much that people secretly want to toss you out now and then? God works with that. Are you more like me? Not a problem, God has a calling for us too. Whatever our talents or fears, God is able to take us 'Just as I Am', to borrow a great old hymn title and one of my favorite Christian statements, and use each of us to build His kingdom. Yeah, that will be great in Heaven, won't it? No, God uses us to build His kingdom right here and now! Has God not changed something you perceive as a great weakness? He is using it to build His kingdom. Rejoice in it! Let God use it, whatever it may be, and rest in His loving embrace.

May the love, peace, and mercy of God be with you in all things this week.

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