Monday, December 31, 2012

The Last Day...of the Year

Good morning! Oddly warm out there this morning, and then I looked at the thermometer. The temp is only about 25°, but it felt much warmer and is very quiet outside. I heard an alarm clock from across the street belting out some Cyndi Lauper. Low clouds, no animal noises and no trains make for a hushed morning, well, with the exception of Cyndi that is. There are many things to write about today, but this is the last day of 2012 and that kind of calls for a shout out or something like that.

What did 2012 mean for us? This is the day we most often look back at the year and take stock of how far God has brought us. For some of us it is a new town or a different house. Others got married, had babies or grand babies, or did none of the above. The real distance is how far Jesus brought us along His way. That is much more difficult for us to measure, for we do not know the end. The Mayan calendar thing apparently didn't work out, if that was the end you were counting on. Your end may come in the next year, or maybe not for another 50 years or more. As we grow closer to Jesus, 50 more years on this earth sounds like a terrible sentence. Perhaps it is better that Jesus doesn't tell us how far we have to go yet.

After we take stock of the year passing today, we look forward to the year that is coming. For those terrified of the number 13, this next year may seem like a monster waiting just around the corner. For at least one of us, the number 50 waits just around the corner. I won't say who he is just yet, but, bwaa ha ha! Que the Jaws theme, here it comes!

Celebrate the old year today, and the new year tomorrow!

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