Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It's A Negative Morning

Not every day is one that begins with thoughts of peace and joy, but that wasn't what I wanted to write about today. The temperature is below zero, we are starting with a negative morning out here on the cold plains of Colorado. The music on The Message is delightfully positive, and there is the message for us today. You and me have a positive message to bear in a negative world.

Some would speak of evolution and some sort of electrical-chemical accident that began all life. Speaking of millions and billions of years sounds smart with all those big numbers. The bottom line though is that no god is required for evolution and accident. Without a higher power or a greater good, the evolutionist is free to do any deed to justify his goals. Without a Creator, the creation is responsible to no one and uses others in any way he pleases to accomplish selfish desires. But God calls upon the simple things to confound the wisdom of the world.

We are responsible to a Creator, and it is not a burden to surrender to the Creator's Son. We who believe in Christ are not restricted, but set free. The world will have its day, and will point to us as examples of weakness, powerlessness, and poverty. At the moment, the world is correct. We are glad to submit our small strength to the all-powerful God, to bow our little power before the Almighty, and to give our poor riches to Him who owns all gold and silver. The moment belongs to the world, but eternity belongs to God. The moment is gone in the blink of an eye. Those in the moment are gone with a puff of wind. God's throne stands over eternity, and that my friends is where we want to be. We give up the moment to gain eternity. We remember to love those reveling in the moment, even when they scoff at our faith. Praise God, the Lord of all eternity!


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