Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Surely It Will Happen - September 7, 2011

Happy Wednesday morning! Some things seem to take too long. Other things really do take too long. If you want a job that requires what is called perfect vision or 20/20 and you are blessed with poor eyesight, it is possible to workout your eyes and improve your vision. However, the price of that working out is high, including headaches and spending much time doing what appears to be nothing, and the eye doctors tell us that the effect will not last. Apparently if the bat stops working out his eyeballs he becomes the ol' 'blind as a' thing again. If you want to be a fighter pilot or Navy Seal, you may not have time to do the eyeball thing in any case. The organizations who run those particular folks don't seem to want to train 50 and 60 year old peoples who have managed to work their eyeballs back into that 20/20 range. We simply may not have the time in this short life to do something properly. Or, perhaps worse, we do have the time, but when we get the thing done we find ourselves too old to enjoy the results of our effort.

Now, compare that depressing outlook with the concept of eternity with Jesus in Heaven. Suppose you want to glorify God by becoming very skilled at making music or playing some instrument. Perhaps even in eternity this will take practice and training, both of which take a lot of time. But! Time is something you now have in abundance. So much time that it no longer has any meaning where eternity is involved. If it takes 10,000 years for you to master this heavenly violin... so what? If something bothers you about your performance, take another 10,000 years and work it out. That just seems so alien to what we experience here in this life.

If something takes years or decades, we get impatient and perhaps even bored waiting for it. If it happens in seconds or minutes, the thing may seem much too fast for us and may even be over too quickly. Of course, if what we want to see takes centuries to occur, we probably won't have time before our expiration date comes up. If you need to see your expiration date, I hear it is printed on the bottom of our bottoms. I haven't seen that part of me for years so I cannot confirm or deny that bit of information. I would rather not know anyway; I might find out that I have already expired!

Praise God that our Lord has time firmly in his power along with everything else. You and I will have just enough life for God to accomplish exactly what he began in us. We need not fear that the work of the Holy Spirit will be held up by cost overruns or shipping delays. Those things that God directs to happen in our lives will happen, and they will happen at exactly the right time. We will glorify God in our lives; the Spirit and the Son will make sure of it!

Have a glorious day in Christ!


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