Friday, September 23, 2011

Slow it Down a Bit - September 23, 2011

Good Friday morning! Ah, the flavor of coffee in the morning! I notice that CNBC has a special news report on coffee addiction coming up this next week. I may have to see if that includes decaf or if it is more of a caffeine thing. I wonder if I can raise coffee bushes in my back yard. Does coffee grow on trees or bushes? Actually, I made need further research before I try to grow a coffee bean. I'll bet the roasted ones don't grow into anything but cups. Now if I could invent the coffee tree that sprouts hot cups of coffee each morning I would really be on to something! Ah, always the shortcut.

A lot of work goes into a cup of coffee. God created the earth and the coffee plant; the days of sunshine and the right temperature; the best altitude and moisture, and all the other conditions that go into producing the raw coffee beans. A farmer raises the trees or bushes, harvests the beans, and a buyer will choose the beans he or she wants. A lot of folks will be involved in shipping the crop to the United States and getting it to the roasting place. (I wonder what it smells like to work there?) Then more folks to ship the roasted beans to me out here in Nebraska. Only then do I get to do my bit to get the coffee ready. Yet, I want a shortcut by having a tree that grows cups of coffee.

In many ways we long for short cuts. However, often a short cut to something doesn't produce the same results. We look at a tough day ahead and tell the Lord that today would be a good day for the Rapture. We wonder when someone will invent a machine that takes the raw materials from the grocery store and then produces a seven-course meal without the slightest effort on our part. At times that last may sound pretty good, but cooking is an art and a joy for many of us. One of the big turnoffs to working in a restaurant is the hurry-hurry, rush-rush part of cooking. Perhaps one of the problems with the economy is that we have lost the art of taking our time. We have learned too many short cuts so to speak. Waiting on the Lord has become against our very nature it seems.

Perhaps you don't need to go to all those places tomorrow. Maybe I can slow down and read a book today. All of us may find a better answer by bringing our questions about this life to the Lord. Beware! He may not answer immediately.

Have a great weekend!


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