Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Choice in the Night - September 14, 2011

Good Wednesday morning! You have probably never in your life rolled over in your bed in the morning and wished that you didn't have to get up on any particular day. Heh, heh, yeah right! The fact that I write it down will not make that true for any of us. Even the most optimistic and cheerful of disposition among us will find some days that a bit more sleep in bed might feel a lot better than getting up. After all we spend the night working to get comfortable and some nights only achieve that comfort right near the very end. Life is very like one night in bed.

The first bit is great as we feel sleepy and the bed feels nice after the toil of the day. Often that first bit of sleep is the best of the night. We sleep like a baby so to speak. Later, the sleep becomes lighter and the dreams start up. We may awaken several times to good dreams or awful nightmares. Aches and pains, unnoticed in the first deep sleep may suddenly bother us. Tossing and turning may follow as we reach the time of worry and fear. In the darkest part of the night, we can choose to trust our lives to Christ or to continue to go it alone. What we choose in the midst of life will determine the morning we wake up to.

Those who choose to reject or ignore Jesus will wake up to a grim darkness unlike and worse than any they have ever experienced. Those of us who have chosen to place our faith and our very lives in Christ will wake up to the light of God. Like the morning of a new day in this life, we may look back briefly and think on how quick the journey was from the short day that was our time in this world to the new morning with Jesus in Heaven. Our time of striving in the day and tossing in the night is so short when set against eternity, and yet it seems so long to us at times while we are here.

When we think of the prophetic events in the Bible that are still to come they may seem impossibly remote. The time that Jesus walked the area around Galilee seems equally far off in the past to us. Yet both are so very close in God's view that we are told to be ever alert and watchful as a sentry on guard duty. For us the morning will soon arrive. Not an unwelcome morning like that one that came after a night that seemed too short or too long, but a welcome morning that brings renewal and strengthening as only Jesus can give for all eternity.

To God be the glory!


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