Tuesday, August 02, 2011

A Hope in Christ - August 2, 2011

Good Tuesday morning! A milder day is promised and I have opened the windows to August... only to remember what August brings to me. The sneezing has stopped for now, but it is that time of the year for all the fun that goes with weed allergies. To God be the glory! I hope to survive the season one more time. Do you ever use 'hope' in the way the world uses it? If I say the word as Christ gave it to us through Paul's writing, then I have just placed God's stamp of complete assurance on the fact that I will survive this allergy season. However, if I use the word as the world uses it, I am sort of throwing up a prayer to the sky filled with doubt and self-pity.

People play the lottery in the faint (very faint) hope of winning. We don't want to live under that kind of hope. We want to live under Christ's solid assurance that He will come again. God as Jesus the Son stated that He will return to gather us up. If God wills it, we know without doubt that it will be done. We may not know when, but we know. We don't live under the faint possibility as in a lottery ticket, but under the complete and trustworthy assurance of God himself. The hope we choose to live under can be the weak-kneed hope of the world, or the solid fact of the Word of God. We can hope in what only one or two out of tens of millions of people will win, or we can hope in what everyone who believes is assured by God of winning. Doesn't seem like a choice that is too difficult.

Yesterday I read about the start of the second Great Awakening. I had heard about and read of the first one that preceded our nation's birth, but this second one may be even more interesting. The revival began in a county that would be described today with a crude anatomical term. Even then the county might best be given the title of the worst county in America. However, right there is where God chose to start a nationwide revival. Not in New England where the Pilgrims and Puritans had settled; not in Philadelphia where the Constitution had finally been compromised together, or any other place that might seem more likely at the time, but in a county in Kentucky known for chewing up anyone who chose to live as a Christian. How great and awesome is our God?

The construction/destruction noises have begun for the day. Praise God for the potential we have in today!


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