Thursday, August 25, 2011

Good News to Show the World - August 25, 2011

Good Thursday morning! The week is coming to a close for you weekday watchers. August is getting in a few good licks on us here at the end too. It is supposed to be hot once again today. In whatever way you have been called to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, today also seems like another good day to let His light shine on through! Several prophets and apostles met angels or had visions of Heaven and their reports have much in common. One thing we notice is the light. The sevenfold Spirit before God's throne is seven brass candlesticks or seven flames. God's throne is surrounded by colors of surpassing beauty. The one seated on the throne is too bright to look at. The one like unto a son of man is very bright of countenance and his feet are like molten brass. Everywhere we look in the reports the colors are amazing, the whites are brilliant, and it sounds like I'm describing the perfect laundry detergent or something. Actually, we wish we could have clothing that even compares to what the prophets and apostles saw in their visions.

Purity, brightness, light, amazing and indescribably colorful, Heaven and its residents must be really something to see. However, there is much more. We hear reports from those who have spent just a little time in Heaven of rich sounds, angelic choirs, praises to the King, and even colors that taste good. The last is not as far-fetched as it may sound as apparently some folks on earth have this ability, though I suspect that it is an imperfect copy like the senses we have now. But the news gets better still. One day, Jesus will come to take us there to see and experience all of this wonder.

You have what we like to call the golden ticket. For reasons of his own, God chose us before the world began to believe in Him and to be with Him for eternity. If you and I choose to believe in Jesus at some point in our lives, God knew that would happen long before we were born. Not only did God know, but He chose each of us to believe and sent His own Spirit to enable that belief. Truly you and I had nothing to do with our salvation. You might say that we said 'yes' to Jesus because Jesus had already said 'yes' for us. Right about now in this kind of discussion is where we pile up the 'what if's' until we are buried in them. However the right response is simply to accept that Jesus chose us and that we have a purpose in Him. I don't know why Jesus chose you.

I can see qualities that Jesus has raised up in you, but I don't know why he chose you or me or anyone else who has decided to believe in the Son of God. That I think is a good thing too. If we knew some quality, hidden or obvious, that God looked for or that believers had in common, we would narrow down our search and spread the good news to only a few. Since we don't know how or why God makes the choices he does, we go on out and spread the good news to everyone. Today we can pray for the missionaries, the ministers, the singers, the preachers, the talkers, the writers, the friends, and all those brothers and sisters in Christ who will have a bit of good news of Jesus Christ to show to the world.


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