Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Even at Our Worst - August 31, 2011

Good Wednesday morning! August will go out with one last shot of heat today, and then we can look forward to Labor Day weekend! Whoo hoo! least for those of you doing something special this weekend that is. Ahh, now the fallout from the Hurricane Irene coverage. Apparently it has become somewhat entertaining to find a Weather Channel live shot and, um, get in the scene so to speak. The line of the day: "People don't really know what's coming." That is from just one hurricane. As we prepare to take up our study of Revelation once more in our life group, you could use that same line for the entire world. Anyone can pick up a Bible and read what is coming, but so few believe what is written there.

We get the same thing out here when a big winter storm comes. There are always people out driving around and inevitably the snow plows will come the next morning and vehicles will be stuck where they shouldn't have been in the first place. I guess the videos from the hurricane confirm that people can be just as dumb out on the East Coast of the USA. Jesus might have said that people would be acting stupid just before the Great Tribulation arrives or the Son of God returns. Instead our Lord used the example of marriage and weddings and such. Sounds like He might have been nice to us in the future generations. Actually, you know all this already, might even have a few incidents in your past where you played the idiot. I'm guilty.

It is easy to act outraged at the foolish behavior we see in others, and not quite so much fun to remember the times we did it ourselves. I have thanked God that somehow His divine protection saw me through my teens and twenties. Many of you have done the same I'm sure. Then I see the headline: Man in domestic dispute decapitates himself. Probably didn't survive his moment of playing the fool. How can God allow all of this foolishness in us? Allow it? All that foolishness you see is perfectly under God's sovereign control. Nothing surprises our Lord, nothing catches him with a, "Wow, didn't see that one coming!" Realizing this takes a mental and spiritual shift that I cannot quite get my poor little human mind to understand on its own.

On the other hand, I find it comforting that no matter how big the mistake I might make, God will not be surprised and will still be comfortably in control of the situation. Yes, even those jokers on the television have the love of God and are under His sovereign control. Of course, God is not making anyone do dumb things. But we can know that even in our worst moments, God is watching over us.

Have a great day in Christ!


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