Monday, August 15, 2011

Born Sinner to Born-Again Saint - August 15, 2011

Good Monday morning! Oh, man... school starts this week. Phoo, where has the summer gone? It will be good to see the little rats locked up again though...oops, I mean it will be good to see the darlin' children have another opportunity for learning and growth as the school year commences. Ah, fun with words on a Monday morning!

This morning you may have got up from the bed.... I said, "get up from the bed!" Anyway, you might have given more thought to the difficulty of getting up than you did to the opportunities awaiting you. Have you ever thought that as our bodies are aging, our spirits are growing more child-like? I had that thought yesterday as this dual process of aging and growing in the Spirit is worked out in me. Of course we would like to halt the former, perhaps even back it up a bit, and keep the latter going forward. However, the process must go on for the born sinner to finish the race as a born-again saint. That process hurts in more ways than just the physical too.

It is a wrenching, hurting process that takes what was a sinner knowing nothing else and make it into a saint that knows only Christ. This is the work the Holy Spirit will finish in us. This is not something we can do for ourselves. How could a born sinner know how to cleanse itself? Instead, the sinner is given an opportunity to surrender to Christ. We lower the flag of self, and raise the banner of Christ over our lives. After that, the change is up to the Spirit as we are now owned by the Master.

This process of change as you well know by now is difficult, painful, full of fatigue, misery, and even joy. We do suffer emotional trials and physical tests, but one day a child-like spirit bearing the exact image of Christ will arrive in Heaven to the cheers of the heavenly host.

Praise the name of Jesus!


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