Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hoping or Wishing? - July 24, 2008

A beautiful morning to you! We have one of those partly cloudy mornings that make a sunrise so fascinating to watch. Another cat has come around this morning, making noise with Samantha outside. Do I hope they will get along and be quiet? No, that is a wish of mine. Today I thought about the difference between wishing and hoping. Cats are solitary predators, and as such they mark and defend their hunting territory. Female cats tend to make a lot of noise. I don't really expect two cats to get along with each other, but I wish they would. Hoping, on the other hand, is defined as a confident expectation. If you have filled out the paperwork and paid money, you might hope to close on a new house this month. That is a confident expectation. There is another type of hope, or confident expectation, the hope of things that we did not arrange for monetarily. We have a confident expectation that Jesus will return soon. This is not based on wishing, but on evidence and in God's promise. The evidence comes from what is often called the signs of the times. Wars and rumors of war, earthquakes in diverse places, people rushing about, and the many other signs that we were told to watch for have arrived in their numbers. God promised us that when all appeared to be getting dark that it would be time to look up for our salvation would draw near. We have a confident expectation of Jesus' return. Some days I wish for Jesus' return, but that is usually due yet another trial or temptation coming my way. We know that the trials will come, but we also know that Jesus will return, and that is no wish.

Enjoy our hope in Jesus today!


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