Thursday, June 05, 2008

Regrets are Joy Killers - June 5, 2008

Good Thursday morning! The rain clouds have been in the area all night and we are getting some good moisture from them today. Hey, guess what? Today is June 5. That is only amusing because I used June 3 on my blog post yesterday, probably a symptom of not writing for more than a week. Whatever the mistake done in the past, today is a new day and date. We do not need to remember constantly the mistakes or sins of the past. How does it feel to be forgiven? One thing that I can relate is that there is no longer a need to writhe in mental anguish over some past sin. Yes, you or I have our moments of despair over a sin or mistake in our past. In the forgiveness of Christ, we need not constantly bring that up before God or even the theatre of our mind. Paul reminded us to strive for what is ahead, forgetting what is behind. He, I'm sure, struggled with the many memories of his past time spent persecuting the new followers of the Way. The stoning of Stephen is only one event that we can read in Acts, but Paul probably put his zealous energy to work daily for what he believed was right in his former life as Saul. Putting what is in the past behind us is one of the most important things we can do. How will you face the world if all that you can remember before Jesus saved you is the sins and mistakes of your past? Remember that Jesus loved you before you received His forgiveness, mistakes and all! Paul could not have written his letters without putting the past behind him, and we must do the same. Once the sin is confessed and forgiven, don't bring it up again. Regrets are joy killers.

Once more, my writing is as much to remind myself as it is for anyone else. The struggle goes on daily with regrets. A good memory is a blessing, but not when used for regret. Just as a good imagination is not for envisioning some disaster, a good memory should be used to remember the times when you or I have been especially blessed by Jesus. On that note, the dreary clouds in my mind begin break up and move away.

The love of Jesus goes with you this day!


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