Monday, June 30, 2008

Discarding Ideas - June 30, 2008

Good Monday morning! Part of the good is that I have had no trouble calls this morning from work; that will make any morning go better. However, thinking about work can just get my thinking going in the wrong direction too many times, better to think on Jesus. Actually work isn't that bad; only in times of trial does it become a burden. Hmmm, sounds from the living room point to a cat up to no good. I'm glad that he is feeling rested and ready to go!

Do you have a problem that there seems to be no solution for? You have tried everything, except for the ridiculous ideas that you discarded without trying, and nothing will work? We all run into problems like that from time to time. We struggle in our own strength, we try our own ideas, and discard those ridiculous things that pop into our heads. I don't know about you, but I have managed to ruin mechanical and electronic objects through not asking for or accepting help. I would call it intellectual stubbornness. Looking at the ruined object, I often think how silly or bull-headed I have been about the whole experience. Today, I wondered if we don't tend to do the same thing with God. Some of those ideas that pop into our head, the ones that we may discard without proper examination, may be suggestions from the Holy Spirit. We need to at least put those ideas to the test through reading of God's Word. Asking someone else for help? Well, perish the thought that we should need to seek help from another person! Yes, a failure to ask for help has been a problem of mine for too long. That is simply pride and it is a very damaging sin. I will have you know that I did ask for help this weekend, but doing so did bring to mind some times when I did not. You or I may run into the curmudgeon who rebuffs our request for help with harsh words. However, we should not fear the words of the world, but rest in the loving Word of God.

Love and honor our God and Savior!


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