Thursday, August 08, 2024

You May Believe

And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe.  John 14:29

We can read throughout the gospels of the disciples and their inability to get past what they had been taught about how the Messiah would come and what he would do when he got there. Jesus tells them in our verse for today of how they would need to see this thing before they would believe it. We might even laugh now and again over those poor stubborn disciples and their not getting it. But this verse stopped being about them almost two thousand years ago. I have to wonder, as I'm sure you have, what about the end times prophecies have we got wrong by way of what we think we know? What will you and I have to see before we believe that was told in the prophecies quite plainly? The next time we study those end times prophecies, let us ask the Lord for a learner's perspective and hear what the Teacher will tell us. 

Like those disciples, are we watching it and refusing to know it? 


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