Thursday, August 01, 2024

Kept In Love

If you love Me, keep My commandments.  John 14:15

The old wine was the law, held in the old wineskin of the Covenant with Israel. That covenant offered great benefits for obeying the commandments of the law, but also great punishments for disobedience. And Israel tried both at great length throughout the Old Testament. Jesus brought new wine in the form of His greatest love which paid the penalty that God's justice required for sin. Now the way to obedience can come by love and not fear of breaking the law. In the first three chapters of the Revelation, Jesus sends word that for those churches wanting to go the old law way, the punishments are still available. However, the preferred way in our verse today looks to be love of the Christ and His love for us. So, obedience of the law, still a thing - but let us try the love route with Jesus. 

Grace and peace to you in Christ our Lord!


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