Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Not That One

Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us, and not to the world?” John 14:22

Judas, surnamed Thaddeus, gets a mention in our verse for today by his other name. One can see why Thaddeus might have preferred to not be known as the other Judas given the connotation of betrayal associated with that name. John even adds (not Iscariot) to his name to make sure we know it wasn't that other one. But too much on this name thing and we might miss his great question: Why not?

Look at how many people in the gospels saw the manifested Christ and refused to believe in Him. The disciples received more of our Lord's word than anyone, more by far than we read in the four gospels, and they were barely believing by this point. A manifestation after His resurrection it seems would be wasted on those who refused to believe. However, it would be just the thing for the small group who believed in Him somewhat but not quite enough for the death and resurrection Jesus had spoken several times to break through their doors of unbelief. And so the risen Christ manifested Himself to them. God be praised!


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