Friday, August 02, 2024

Getting The House Ready

In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  John 14:2 

Another famous verse from John 14 today, and it is the one involving mansions. Now the original word was the more simple, dwellings, but we do not need to over analyze this. We could easily translate it as: the place where My Father lives has plenty of space for everyone, I'll go and get it ready for you. Now, Jesus, often called a carpenter, had a job description that covered a lot more ground. His job was to build and repair things, and more. So, imagine for a moment you had the skills of plumbing, masonry, architecture, painting, electrical, HVAC, and whatever else is needed to build a dwelling place, plus carpentry of course, and you had an unlimited budget to prepare a new dwelling for your beloved to make a new home. Working as a real estate assistant for the past decade, I can imagine quite a bit, but it is not nearly enough! All we need to recall to put a joyous tint on the light of today is that almost 2,000 years ago Jesus ascended from the Mount of Olives and has been getting dwelling places ready for us all that time. Oh my!

Have a delightful day in Christ Jesus!


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