Monday, August 26, 2024

Waiting Faithfully

His disciples did not understand these things at first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were written about Him and that they had done these things to Him. John 12:16

The way of faith does not come easily to us. Writing about the time near the end of our Lord's ministry to Judea, John confesses that the disciples were dull of hearing even after three years of following the Lord Jesus. At this moment in the scriptures, John and the others watch as it appears that with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus will be made king and bring in the new reign of Messiah. But our Lord had already told them what would happen in Jerusalem at this time. The disciples expected what Judea expected - king in, Romans out, peace and prosperity all around. But Jesus had clearly said, handed over to the Gentiles, humiliated, scourged, lifted up and killed, only to rise again. John confesses the disconnect between their expectation and what Jesus had been saying all along finally came to a close when it happened, just as Jesus said it would happen.

Sometimes faith shows or tells us ahead of time, and we fail to get it like the disciples. Other times faith may not show the specifics or give a date, and we must wait faithfully. But know that God is good and loving, and be patient in Christ! All that He has said will come to pass.


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