Monday, August 12, 2024

How Does One?

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. John 14:3

How does one get a person to the house of the Father of Jesus? We don't need to worry over that, Jesus said that He will do it. Jesus was not once in the years of His ministry recalled to Heavenly Headquarters for a planning meeting. How does one keep things on track without it? Why think so small: how does one, oh, create a world? According to the Bible, God spoke and it was. An insight was given to me the other night that God never had to consider more or less difficult, harder or easier, less expensive or more, or any other of our many worrisome things when He created everything. When Jesus goes home to prepare that place, He does not consider whether He can or not, nor does He leave trail markers to Earth to make sure He can get back. What our Lord does is just so different from the preparation, planning, and praying we must do for the big projects in life. He speaks, and it is done.

So, the time comes soon when we will go with Him to that place He prepares. We know because He said so.


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