Friday, July 07, 2023

My Will In Congress Be Done

Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
  -- Matthew 6:10

In thinking up a title for this morning, I tried to be completely serious...

If you know anything about how our U.S. Congress is supposed to work, then you will get a mild chuckle from one person trying to get his way in that political body. If you go a step further to watch the news media for how our Congress has been working, you will know that my little title there is but the weakest of attempts at humor or an absurd delusion. Even the wealthiest of political donors have trouble working their will in Congress. Jesus had similar political and religious bodies operating in His time, but He did not lead us to pray for our will to be done in those places. Instead, we are to pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Praying that our political leaders would work for God's will to be done may be like asking for a miracle at times. However, submitting your will and mine to God and asking that HIS will be done, now that is a wonder of God's own Spirit in us! 

God's will be done,


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