Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Everything Is Ready

Again, he sent out other servants and said, ‘Tell those who are invited: See, I've prepared my dinner; my oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.' Matthew 22:4

The parable Jesus told startled those who heard it. "Not come to a wedding banquet? What sort of people would not come to the wedding feast?" they wondered. Not only was it rude then as it is now to stand up the host, but a rich wedding feast as this one must be to offer such a menu would cause envy among those not invited. And yet they refused to come even as the king's servants summoned them a second time, and then the unthinkable! They ignored, abused, and even killed some of the messengers, the king's messengers. Of course the king is going to be a bit upset.

As we believe in Jesus and His message of redemption and hope, we understand that this goes on to this day. We bear the invitation of the King of kings, and many refuse to believe it. Yes, the other things go on as well. Like the king in the parable, one day justice will be done. Please, accept the invitation, come to the Lord Jesus and be saved. This is one wedding that none can afford to miss.

Bear that message of loving invitation, dear brothers and sisters, the time of waiting grows ever shorter.


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